Travel like a local

Víctor Montes jatetxea


"Like the Plaza Nueva itself, this former grocer’s (now restaurant, bar and gourmet deli) is a well-loved, striking landmark. Go, if only to marvel at the gorgeous decor. As well as delicious, complex pintxos (foie terrine with apple and vanilla jelly), fairly pricey formal dining (average mains €24) is offered in the upstairs restaurant, where, incidentally, the agreement was signed to build Bilbao’s Guggenheim museum. Rather confusingly, Plaza Nueva boasts a second must-visit Victor diagonally opposite – Restaurante Victor – also a bar offering gastronomic pintxo gems plus formal dining, but a little more affordable with a reasonable three-course weekday menú laborable, or menú del día (€30, including a glass of wine)."

— The Guardian article

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